A wildfire raged for 3 or 4 days (19th to 22nd) on the ridge above Uitvlug near Vermaaklikhied. The Eden Firefighters were on the scene and brought it under control. The Duiwenhoks Conservancy’s new fire fighting equipment was put to use for the first time during the fire fighting.
Month: December 2011
Fresh fracking furore
Fresh fracking furore – Business News | IOL Business | IOL.co.za.
Seems the ground water is really at risk despite what the Oil companies keep saying!
Shop and Restaurant at Vermaaklikheid are closed
Holiday makers should be aware that the shop in the village is currently closed.
The bar and Restaurant are also closed at present.
Protect the Duiwenhoks river this holiday season
The Duiwenhoks Estuary and its surrounds are one of the last remaining pristine estuaries in the country and the Duiwenhoks Conservancy has been established to preserve its unique character.
Biologists have long maintained that the most important role of the estuarine environment for fish is the provision of nursery grounds for juveniles. Estuaries provide a typically calm, sheltered environment where the higher temperatures and rich food supply allow rapid growth and protection for marine fish fry.
Below are a few guidelines to show how you can help to maintain the uniqueness of the area and ensure safety. We ask you to please bear these in mind during your stay.
The Duiwenhoks is not a skiing river.
Boats need to watch out for Swimmers and Canoes.
Slow Down when passing a Jetty!!
Please drive responsibly at all times with due consideration for the peaceful nature of the river, for houses, jettys, small craft and other users of the river.
Please observe the ‘Slow Zone’ or ‘No Wake Zone’ close to the Village.
When fishing:
Please make sure you have a license to fish or collect bait in the river
Spearfishing in the tidal areas is not permitted
Please stick to the size and bag limits for fish and bait
Cast nets/throw nets for fishing may not be used from sunset to sunrise.
Remember that when approaching an oncoming boat you must pass with the oncoming boat on your port (left) side, i.e. when traveling on the river keep right.
When overtaking another boat on the river please do so on their port side.
Please ensure, especially when passing a smaller or stationary boat on the river that your wake does not cause a danger to the other boat.
Remember – to avoid a collision a motor boat must give right of way to all other craft and a rowing boat or canoe gives way to a sailing boat.
When approaching jettys please be aware of swimmers and slow down if necessary. Many people practice long distance swimming in the river and they are difficult to spot from a fast moving boat.
Please keep at least 5 meters from the river bank when in motion in order to preserve the banks (there may also be children in the reeds!!)
When approaching the river bank please do so slowly.
No objects or people may be towed on the Duiwenhoks River (eg. no skiing or tubing).
When out at sea please remember you may not approach closer than 300 m to a whale.
The Hessequa Holiday Newsletter
Environmental Education in Vermaaklikhied
Through the funding made available by Ritchie Morris at Morris Environmental & Groundwater Alliances (MEGA), Cape Nature were able to reach a grand total of 1177 foundation-level learners in the Hessequa region with the recycling/littering puppet show. This included a show in Vermaaklikheid! Thanks to Celeste Loriston’s passion, dedication and talent, the shows were a great success.