Please take note that Saturday, 31 March 2012 is Earth Hour between 20h30 and 21h30.
Month: March 2012
River Patrol
Thanks to Shagon Carelse at Hessequa Municipality for ensuring that Abie is on the river patrolling the Duiwenhoks over the Easter period.
As reminder over the busy period, here are the boating rules and etiquette on the Duiwenhoks:
Remember that when approaching an oncoming boat you must pass with the oncoming boat on your port (left) side, i.e. when traveling on the river keep right.
Please ensure, especially when passing a smaller or stationary boat on the river that your wake does not cause a danger to the other boat.
Remember – to avoid a collision a motor boat must give right of way to all other craft and a rowing boat or canoe gives way to a sailing boat.
When approaching jettys please be aware of swimmers and slow down if necessary. Many people practice long distance swimming in the river and they are difficult to spot from a fast moving boat.
Please keep at least 5 meters from the river bank when in motion in order to preserve the banks (there may also be children in the reeds!!)
When approaching the river bank please do so slowly.
No objects or people may be towed on the Duiwenhoks River (eg. no skiing or tubing).
Please slow down at all jettys.
Please observe the no-wake zone near the village.
Please remember to buy a fishing license before arriving at Vermaaklikheid as the postal agency is closed.
Rhodes University (Enviro-Fish Africa) has been contracted by Eden District Municipality to facilitate the development of a Municipal Coastal Management Programme (CMP) in terms of Chapter 6 (Part 3) Section 48 of the Integrated Coastal Management Act (Act 24 of 2008). Essentially the CMP will become a policy directive for the management of the coastal zone within the jurisdiction of the Eden District Municipality and will aim to achieve the Vision via a host of coastal management objectives.
As a starting point, the following coastal management objectives will be addressed (in no particular order of importance:
• Tourism
• Infrastructure, spatial planning and development
• Biodiversity conservation/protection
• Water quality
• Institutional arrangements
• Compliance/Enforcement
• Education & awareness
• Disaster management
• Cultural & heritage resources
• Sustainable livelihoods
Each of these broad-based objectives will comprise a number of prioritised issues that will be dealt with through the implementation of Management Action Plans (MAPs). These MAPs will clearly define each issue, the applicable legislation, the mandate for action, timeframes, the requirements for implementation (manpower and where possible financial) and performance indicators.
These objectives will be amended after comments/input received from stakeholders during the course of the workshops. A
Workshops are to be held on:
April 12th – Melkhoutfontein Community Hall; Stilbaai (18h00)
April 13th – Witsand Community Hall (18h00)
Anyone who wishes to be a part of this process may register their details with Dr Aidan Wood (; 0828694939) or alternatively provide their details at the first series of workshops.
More details: Workshop Background and Details
Agenda for AGM
Agenda can be downloaded here: AGM Agenda 2012
Blombos Conservancy News – March 2012
Received from Floris Steytler:
I just want to give feedback regarding a few items mentioned in the November 2011 newsletter.
I would like to welcome Ian Muller as new member in the Blombos Conservancy. He joined the Conservancy as owner of the Blombos Estates Pty.
The Conservancy’s four-wheel motorbike was eventually sold for R12000 with the help of CCC Motorcycles at Riversdale.
Attached please find the Southern Cape fire protection association information. The application form is also included. The contact person is Charl Wade.
If you want to contact him:
The Duiwenhoks Conservancy will hold its annual general meeting on Saturday 7th of April at 10:00 in Vermaaklikheid. Mike Munnik, the Chairman invited the members of the Blombos Conservancy to attend the meeting if they wish to. On the agenda is Charl Wade of the Fire Management Association, Guy Preston of Water Wise and Rhet Hismann of Cape Nature. I will send out the complete the agenda when I received it from Mike Munnik.
Thanks to Rosemary Du Plessis with the processing of the annual membership fees. Thanks to all the members who have paid. If there are still outstanding membership fees it will be appreciated if it can be paid a soon as possible.
If there is any questions or suggestions you can contact me anytime.
Floris Steytler
The Duiwenhoks Conservancy responds to the draft EIA concerning Portion 65 of the Farm Vermaaklikheid, No 499, Riversdale
The DC has had a look at the draft EIA and is of the view that several areas need to be addressed. These are outlined in our response which can be viewed below. The draft EIA is also available for download here. 53 Draft EIR S24G (18-11-2011)
A Unique Garden Route walking Festival
From Cape Nature – At the end of this month on the Cape Garden Route SA’s first walking festival will take place. We are inviting all intrepid walkers and hikers to be Walk Leaders during the festival. Walk Leaders are encouraged to share a favourite walk with others by leading a walk they are familiar with and know well. Please check the festival website and select a walk to lead, or create your own walk, the more creative, interesting and exciting a walk can be the better. To include your walk in the programme we will need you to complete a Walk Form online by 18th March 2012 on the website: This festival is about celebrating the good life of the outdoors, it is about Great Walks in Good Company. The festival is accessible and open to all. While some of the walks require a registration fee (to cover permits etc) there are many that are free. The success of a festival of this nature is dependent on the community getting involved. Such festivals have immense potential in becoming tourism draw cards and can stimulate economic activity. The more people from George to Storms River who get involved in leading a walk and or in participating in walks the more the whole region benefits. The Cape Garden Route is one of the most scenic, safe and accessible walking regions around and walking is a great way to showcase this natural beauty and to share it with the world. If you know anyone who you feel would love to know about this festival, please forward this email to them. Alternatively join our Facebook page and invite your friends. Facebook Walking Festival Page. Lets put the Garden Route on the map as being one of the world’s great walking destinations – which it is.
More info Galeo Saintz 082 888 8181
All you fynbos enthusiasts – Do you want to know more about Ericas?
From Cape Nature – With the southern Cape fynbos splashed in Erica-colour at this time of the year – we hope you want to learn more about these fascinating fynbos plants!
Connie Smits has updated the Southern Cape Herbarium’s Erica key to include species from the Riversdale area. We will use the key as the basis for the course.
Venue: Southern Cape Herbarium in the Moriarty Environmental Centre (49 Caledon Road, George) at the Garden Route Botanical Garden
Date: Thursday, 29th March 2012
Time: 09h00 to 15h00
Cost: R150.00 per person (this includes a copy of the new key; Tea and coffee)
Bring: Eye lens if you have one (Lenses will be for sale & microscopes available for use. Pencil & rubber for drawing)
Bring: Picnic lunch (Tea Garden will be open)
Course Leaders: Yvette van Wijk & Jenny Potgieter
Please RSVP: Jenny Potgieter on 044 874 5821 by 21st March 2012.
Kind Regards,
044 874 5821
Catch and Release works
Have a look at this interesting article which shows the benefits of catch and release methods of fishing.
Rhodes University (Enviro-Fish Africa) have been appointed by Eden District Municipality to develop a Municipal Coastal Management Programme (CMP) in accordance with requirements (Chapter 6, Part 3, Sections 48 and 49) of the Integrated Coastal Management Act (Act 24 of 2008). Two series of workshops will be held to provide stakeholders with the opportunity to contribute to the programme.
Series 1
These workshops will be used to inform stakeholders about the intended process, the proposed content of the CMP, obtain information from stakeholders and to provide an opportunity to raise and discuss issues that need to be addressed. Information from these workshops will be used to develop the CMP. The venues and times are as follows:
April 10th – George Banquet Hall (18h00)
April 11th – Mossel Bay Town Hall (18h00)
April 12th – Stilbaai Municipal Hall (18h00)
April 13th – Witsand Community Hall (18h00)
April 16th – Knysna Town Hall (18h00)
April 17th – Piesang Valley Community Hall (18h00)
Series 2
These workshops will be used to present the Draft CMP to stakeholders and provide the opportunity for comment. The Draft CMP will be made available for review prior to these workshops. The venues and times are as follows:
June 25th – Piesang Valley Community Hall (18h00)
June 26th – Knysna Town Hall (18h00)
June 27th – George Banquet Hall (18h00)
June 28th – Mossel Bay Town Hall (18h00)
June 29th – Stilbaai Municipal Hall (18h00)
July 2nd – Witsand Community Hall (18h00)
Anyone who wishes to be a part of this process may register their details with Dr Aidan Wood (; 0828694939) or alternatively provide their details at the first series of workshops.