During the devastating wild fires of October 2019, our community raised funds for equipment. Thanks go to Craig Irving for initiating this.
We’ve taken an existing fire pump and tank and mounted them on a trailer. The trailer will be primed and ready for use. Community members will now be able to easily move it and respond quickly to any wild fires.
Thanks to Konrad Stutterheim for overhauling and repairing the fire pump.
The trailer is stored at the bakery – thanks to Konrad, Guy Tillim, Laurence Jones and Josie Borain for storing it.
Please contact Konrad if you need to use it.
Thanks to Rooken Podesta for organising the trailer build and Alkem Pro Welding in Heidelberg for doing such a solid job.
We hope that this is just good insurance and we don’t need to use it too often.