About Us

Our broad vision is to conserve the natural environment, making it accessible to all and to encourage the use of its resources in a sustainable way. 

We plan to do this through raising funds and involving local communities in projects that generate livelihoods and have positive environmental spin-offs so that all communities have a stake in the sustainable use of the area. We will support and implement initiatives to manage conservation, conserve biodiversity and address the impacts of climate change on local communities.

By creating awareness of our activities, we hope to work with similar bodies from other areas and generate support for our efforts.  

For more, see Duiwenhoks Conservancy Constitution.

One way in which funds are raised, is through subscriptions paid by members and friends of the Conservancy.  For information on becoming a subscription paying member, please visit the Contact Us page.

We are grateful to have had the support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP), CapeNature , SouthSouthNorth, CAPE (Cape Action Plan for People and the Environment) and South African National Parks in our endeavours in the past.